I am blogging with Nick Gragas the drunkard. Obviously Nick uses alcohol in connection with roll, but there is no story about alcohol, all about rolls, baseball, and games. So, starting today, I will try to use what I know about alcohol.
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Whiskey is divided into four major whiskeys when divided by region. Scotch whiskey, Irish whiskey, American whiskey, and Canadian whiskey are commonly referred to as the four major whiskeys. In addition, there are people who develop whiskey in Japan, a country of Asian artisans, 강남bar and even call Japanese whiskey as one of the top 5 whiskeys.
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Scotch Whiskey
Scotch whiskey is the most famous whiskey by region. Scotch whiskey is a Scottish whiskey and is the most popular and common whiskey. Single malt whiskey, which has been enjoying the greatest popularity in recent years, is generally considered to belong to Scotch whiskey. (Single malt whiskey is classified according to the brewing method, and it is also manufactured in Japan. In fact, Japanese whiskey is grown based on Scotch) ※Wait here! To explain whether malt whiskey and single malt whiskey are the same thing or different, I'm going to go over some common sense. Malt Whiskey: Whiskey made exclusively from malt. Using single distillation and peat flavor, it has a strong flavor and taste, and is characterized by a strong characteristic.
(Single malt whiskey is a type of malt whiskey, meaning that it is distilled only at one distillery. Malt whiskey is single-distilled twice.) Grain whiskey: It refers to whiskey made using general grains (mainly corn). It has a mild aroma and taste due to continuous distillation.
Blended Whiskey: Whiskey made by mixing malt whiskey and grain whiskey.
scotch whiskey johnnie walker
Irish Whiskey
Irish whiskey is whiskey made in Ireland. While Irish whiskey is known as the originator of whiskey, the reality is that there are not many whiskeys that we commonly encounter.
Unlike Scotch, which is distilled twice, most Irish are distilled three times, and since peat is not used, the flavor is clean and the taste is mild. (When barley is dried with the smoke and heat of burning pits, a characteristic aroma is created.)
Jameson, the most famous Irish whiskey
American Whiskey
American whiskey refers to whiskey made in America, that is, in the United States, and many people confuse it with Scotch. Scotch has been the most common whiskey in Korea since ancient times, followed by American whiskey. This is probably because of the reason that whiskey commonly encountered in Korea is commonly referred to as 'Scotch'. As a raw material, corn, which is produced in large quantities in the United States to be used as livestock feed, is widely used as the main raw material. ※ American whiskey is also classified according to the country of origin or raw material, the most famous being bourbon and Tennessee whiskey. Bourbon Whiskey: Started in the bourbon region, but can now be made anywhere in the United States (originally made in the bourbon region). It is made using continuous stills from grains containing more than 51% corn. Tennessee Whiskey: Whiskey made in the Tennessee region, the raw material is not much different from bourbon. However, it is characterized by a unique scent using charcoal mellow wings (maple wood process).
Jack Daniel's is a Tennessee whiskey that is legally classified as Bourbon, but is made in the Tennessee region.
Canadian Whiskey
Canadian whiskey is a whiskey made in copyright, and it is also a click here whiskey with a lot of memories to me.
(It was the 12th year of the Canadian Club that I ate as a celebratory drink with friends in my hometown on the day of my discharge from the military.. When was it? keke) The
raw materials used are not very different from those in the United States, and it is famous for its grain whiskey. Canadian whiskey is characterized by a mild and smooth flavor using the barrel blending process, a unique manufacturing method in copyright. (That's why I recommend it the most for beginners.)